A Man After God’s Own Heart: The David Story
I was never the obvious choice. Just a shepherd boy, the youngest of my brothers, left in the fields while they stood before the prophet. But God doesn’t look at appearances—He sees the heart. And that’s where my story begins. (1 Samuel 16:7-13)
I fought lions and bears before I ever faced a giant. Goliath wasn’t my first battle—just the loudest one. People called me fearless, but the truth? My confidence wasn’t in the sling; it was in the One who never failed me in the wilderness. (1 Samuel 17:34-50)
Then came the crown. Power. Victory. Songs with my name in them. But with greatness comes temptation. I stumbled. Hard. My failures weren’t small, and my sins weren’t hidden. I broke hearts, including my own. But here’s what made me a man after God’s own heart—I never ran from Him, even when I had every reason to hide. When I fell, I fell before Him. When I lost, I found grace in Him. (2 Samuel 11-12, Psalm 51)
Maybe you’ve been there too. Maybe you’ve had seasons where you felt overlooked, like no one saw your potential. Maybe you’ve fought battles in secret—anxiety, addiction,
self-doubt—long before anyone else knew your struggle. Or maybe you’ve tasted success, only to realize that power doesn’t protect you from mistakes. Maybe you’ve fallen harder than you ever thought possible.
But here’s the thing: failure isn’t the end. Regret doesn’t have to define you. If God could restore me, He can restore you. Leadership isn’t about being flawless; it’s about being willing. Willing to fight when no one else will. Willing to own up when you’ve messed up. Willing to humble yourself when God calls you back.
I lived, I loved, I failed, I worshipped. And in all of it, God remained. If my story tells you
anything, let it be this—God isn’t after perfection. He’s after a heart that keeps coming back to Him.
So, what’s in your heart?
Want to read more about David’s life?
● Anointed as King: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
● Defeating Goliath: 1 Samuel 17
● His Greatest Failure & Redemption: 2 Samuel 11-12, Psalm 51
● A Man After God’s Own Heart: Acts 13:22
His story is still being told. Is yours?